Help – Registration

Register a User

Fill out all the fields, ensuring that the email address is a valid address. If you do not give a valid address, you will not receive a confirmation email and the account will be unusable. After receiving the email with the confirmation link, please click on the link and your email address will be verified.

Logging In

To login, click on the login link in the menu on the left and you will be taken to the screen shown above. Enter your username and password, and you will be redirected to the welcome screen (or if you previously tried to access a protected page, you will be redirected to the page you originally requested).

Creating or joining a team

After logging in, open the Team menu on the left and select either the Create Team or the Join Team link. When creating a team, you will see the screen shown above, the team name will be checked that it is unique.


A Team can have as many members as you want, however a user can only be a member of one team. Once a user has created a team, he becomes a "Team Captain" and can no longer join another team or create another team. A user who is only a "Team Member" however, can create his own team or switch to another team if he wants.

All team members can create tools and upload implementations of these tools for their team; a team can have an arbitrary number of tools. More information on creating tools and uploading implementations can be found here.