Help – Tool Management

Create a Tool

Think of a name for your tool and enter it into the tool name field. If the tool name is already taken, you will be informed, otherwise you can decide whether the tool will also be active in the next full run of the competition.

Entering the Competition

Once the tool has been successfully created, you will be shown the screen above. Select the categories you wish your tool to participate in (multiple entries can be selected using Ctrl+MouseClick [PC] or Command+MouseClick [Mac]). Once you are finished click on the "Update" button to confirm your changes and "Done" to return to the tool list.

Adding an implementation

The termcomp system currently only accepts ZIP files. Create a zip file with the directory of your tool and select this file for uploading. Set the version you want this implementation to be called, enter the name of the executable (formerly runme, now anything you want), pass the humanity test and select upload.

Once the upload has been confirmed, the implementation is scheduled for testing, as you can see in the screen shown above. If this is the first implementation uploaded, then it is automatically selected as the current version for the tool, otherwise you can enter the tool editor and select the version you wish to be active.

Viewing test results

Uploaded implementations are tested asynchronously. This means that after uploading, the implementation is scheduled to be tested, and the test results for the categories entered into can be viewed as they become available. To view the test results, enter the tool editor (by clicking on the tool name in the tool list) and you will see a list of implementations and links to their test results at the bottom of the page. Clicking on a link will take you to the page shown below.

When you upload an implementation of a tool, 5 problems are selected at random from each category you entered your tool in. The test results page shows you the results for the 5 problems from each category in the same format as the regular competition results page. Clicking on a result's time will take you to the detailed output for the problem.